1. Regarding the requirement to state the location and date of sample collection

As previously mentioned, INSDC discussed how to collect information, where and when the sample was collected, in the systematic way.
DDBJ has already required the two attributes, geo_loc_name and collection_date, for BioSample submission.
If it is difficult to describe the values for some reason, the submitter should indicate the reason as missing values.
The requirement of qualifiers on the flatfile is planned to start from December 2024.
The detailed schedule will be announced later.

See also the following announcements.

2. The /country qualifier will be renamed to /geo_loc_name from June 2024.

Due to the change, DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Submission System (NSSS) will be suspended, to initialize the input contents of all submitters up to that point.
The detailed schedule is announced here.

See also the following announcements.