DDBJ スタッフの論文 (1996-2008)
Bold are CIB-DDBJ members. Some of the publications in Japanese are excluded.
- Akihito, Fumihito A, Ikeda Y, Aizawa M, Makino T, Umehara Y, Kai Y, Nishimoto Y, Hasegawa M, Nakabo T, and Gojobori T. (2008) Evolution of Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan populations of the gobiid species, Pterogobius elapoides and Pterogobius zonoleucus, based on molecular and morphological analyses. Gene. 427: 7-18.
- Blancher A, Bonhomme M, Crouau-Roy B, Terao K, Kitano T, and Saitou N. (2008) Mitochondrial DNA sequence phylogeny of four populations of the widely distributed cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis). J. Hered. 99 (3): 254-264.
- Calafell F, Roubinet F, Ramirez-Soriano A, Saitou N, Bertranpetit J, Blancher A. (2008) Evolutionary dynamics of the human ABO gene. Hum. Genet. 124: 123-135.
- Collier N, Doan S, Kawazow A, Matsuda-Goodwin R, Tateno Y, Ngo Q-H, Dein D, Kawtrakul A, Takeuchi K, Shigematsu M, Taniguchi K. BioCaster: detecting public health rumors with a Web-based text mining system. Bioinformatics, published online on Oct. 15, 2008, 24: 2940-2941.
- David CN, Ozbek S, Adamczyk P, Meier S, Pauly B, Chapman J, Hwang JS, Gojobori T, and Holstein TW. (2008) Evolution of complex structures: minicollagens shape the cnidarian nematocyst. Trends Genet. 24 (9): 431-438.
- Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, Morrison N, Selengut J, Sterk P, Tatusova T, Thomson N, Allen M, Ashburner M, Baldauf S, Ballard S, Boore J, Cochrane G, Cole J, dePamphilis C, Edwards R, Faruque N, Feldman R, Glockner F O, Haft D, Hancock D, Hermjakob H, Hertz-Fowler C, Hugenholtz P, Joint I, Kane M, Kennedy J, Kowalchuk G, Kottmann R, Kolker E, Kyripides N, Leebens-Mack J, Lewis S E, Liste A, Lord P, Maltsev N, Markowitz V, Martiny J, Methe B, Moxon R, Nelson K, Parkhill J, Sansone S-A Spiers A, Stevens R, Swift P, Taylor C, Tateno Y, Tett A, Turner S, Ussery D, Vaughan B, Ward N, Whetzel T, Wilson G, and Wipat A. (2008) Minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nat Biotechnol. 26: 541-547.
- Fukuchi S, Homma K, Sakamoto S, Sugawara H, Tateno Y, Gojobori T, and Nishikawa K. The GTOP database in 2009: updated content and novel features to expand and deepen insightsinto protein structures and functions. Nucleic Acids Res. Advance Accesspublished on Nov. 4 (2008).
- Hotta K, Takahashi H, Satoh N, and Gojobori T. (2008) Brachyury-downstream gene sets in a chordate, Ciona intestinalis: Integrating notochord specification, morphogenesis and chordate evolution. Evo. & Dev. 10 (1): 37-51.
- Howe D, Costanzo M, Fey P, Gojobori T, Hannick L, Hide W, Hill DP, Kania R, Schaeffer M, St Pierre S, Twigger S, White O, and Yon Rhee S. (2008) Big data: The future of biocuration. Nature. 455 (7209): 47-50.
- Hwang JS, Nagai S, Hayakawa S, Takaku Y, and Gojobori T. (2008) The Search for the Origin of Cnidarian Nematocysts in Dinoflagellates. Evolutionary Biology from Concept to Application, Pierre Pontarotti (ed), Chap. 8: 135-152.
- Hwang JS, Takaku Y, Chapman J, Ikeo K, David CN, and Gojobori T. (2008) Cilium evolution: identification of a novel protein, nematocilin, in the mechanosensory cilium of Hydra nematocytes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 25 (9): 2009-2017.
- Jin L, Kryukov K, Clemente J, Komiyama T, Suzuki Y, Imanishi T, Ikeo K, and Gojobori T. (2008) The evolutionary relationship between gene duplication and alternative splicing. Gene. 427: 19-31.
- Kimura A, Ikeo K, Nonaka M. Evolutionary origin of the vertebrate blood complement and coagulation systems inferred from liver EST analysis of lamprey. Dev Comp Immunol. 2008 Aug. 27.
- Koyanagi KO, Imanishi T, and Gojobori T. (2008) Bidirectional Gene Pairs in the Human Genome. Encyclopedia of Life Science (ELS).
- Liu Y-H, Takahashi A, Kitano T, Koide T, Shiroishi T, Moriwaki K, and Saitou N. (2008) Mosaic genealogy of the Mus musculus genome revealed by 21 nuclear genes from its three subspecies. GGS. 83: 77-88.
- Matsuya A, Sakate R, Kawahara Y, Koyanagi KO, Sato Y, Fujii Y, Yamasaki C, Habara T, Nakaoka H, Todokoro F, Yamaguchi K, Endo T, OOta S, Makalowski W, Ikeo K, Suzuki Y, Hanada K, Hashimoto K, Hirai M, Iwama H, Saitou N, Hiraki AT, Jin H, Kaneko Y, Kanno M, Murakami K, Noda AO, Saichi N, Sanbonmatsu R, Suzuki M, Takeda J, Tanaka M, Gojobori T, Imanishi T, and Itoh T. (2008) Evola: Ortholog database of all human genes in H-InvDB with manual curation of phylogenetic trees. Nucleic Acids Res. 36: D787-792.
- Meier S, Gehring C, MacPherson C, Kaur M, Maqungo M, Reuben S, Muyanga S, Shih M, Wei F, Wanchana S, Mauleon R, Radovanovic A, Bruskiewich R, Tanaka T, Mohanty B, Itoh T, Wing R, Gojobori T, Sasaki T, Swarup S, Hsing Y, and Bajic V. (2008) The Promoter Signatures in Rice LEA Genes Can Be Used to Build a Co-expressing LEA Gene Network. Rice. 1: 177-187.
- Mineta K, Ikeo K, and Gojobori T. (2008) Gene Expression in the brain and central nervous system in planarians. Planaria: A Model for Drug Action and Abuse edited by Robert B. Raffa and Scott M. Rawls.
- Murakami K, Imanishi T, Gojobori T, and Nakai K. (2008) Two different classes of co-occurring motif-pairs found by a novel visualization method in human promoter regions. BMC Genomics. 9 (112): 1-13.
- Nagaoka S, Ohshima S, Honda H, Kawai Y, Kitazawa H, Tateno Y, Yamazaki Y, and Saito T. (2008) Identification of five phospho-beta-glycosidases from Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC33323T cultured in lactose medium. Biosci Biotech Biochem. 72: 1954-1957.
- Nagayoshi S, Hayashi E, Abe G, Osato N, Asakawa K, Urasaki A, Horikawa K, Ikeo K, Takeda H, Kawakami K. (2008) Insertional mutagenesis by yhe Tol2 transposon-mediated enhancer trap approach generated mutations in two developmental genes: tcf7 and synembryn-like. Development. Jan; 135 (1): 159-169.
- Nakagawa S, Niimura Y, Gojobori T, Tanaka H, and Miura K. (2008) Diversity of preferred nucleotide sequences around the translation initiation codon in eukaryote genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 36 (3): 861-871.
- Nemoto-Sasaki Y, Hayama K, Ohya H, Arata Y, Kato Kaneko M, Saitou N, Hirabayashi J, Kasai K. (2008) Caenorhabditis eleganc galectins LEC-1-LEC-11: Structural features and sugar-binding properties. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1780: 1131-1142.
- Ohyanagi H, Ikeo K, and Gojobori T. (2008) Eukaryotic nuclear structure explains the evolutionary rate difference of ribosome export factors. Gene. 421: 7-13.
- Ohyanagi H, Ikeo K, and Gojobori T. (2008) The origin of nucleus: Rebuild from the prokaryotic ancestors of ribosome export factors. Gene. 423: 149-152.
- Saitou N. (2008) Genetic Relationships of Human Populations in and around the Japanese Archipelago. In Matsumura S, Forster P, and Renfrew C. (eds.) “Simulations, genetics and human prehistory”. McDonald Institute Monographs. Cambridge. 89-92.
- Sakai H, Itoh T, and Gojobori T. (2008) Processed Pseudogenes and Their Functional Resurrection in the Human and Mouse Genomes. Encyclopedia of Life Science (ELS).
- Sasaki T, Nishihara H, Hirakawa M, Fujimura K, Tanaka M, Kokubo N., Kimura-Yoshida C, Matsuo I, Sumiyama K, Saitou N, Shimogori T, and Okada N. (2008) Possible involvement of SINEs in mammalian-specific brain formation. PNAS. 105 (11): 4220-4225.
- Shin-I T, Tanaka Y, Tateno Y, and Mizokami M. (2008) Development and public release of comprehensive Hepatitis virus database, Hepatol Res. 38: 234-243.
- Sugawara H, Ikeo K, Fukuchi S, Gojobori T, and Tateno Y. DDBJ dealing with mass data produced by the second generation sequencer. Nucleic Acids Res. Advance Access published on Oct. 16 (2008).
- Sugawara H, Ogasawara O, Okubo K, Gojobori T, and Tateno Y. (2008) DDBJ with new system and face. Nucleic Acids Res. Jan; 36: D22-24.
- Suzuki Y. (2008) False-positive results obtained from the branch-test of positive selection. Genes & Genetic Systems. 83: 331-338.
- Suzuki Y. (2008) Phylogenetic window analysis for detecting chronological changes in natural selection. Open Evolution Journal. 2: 13-30.
- Suzuki Y. (2008) Positive selection operates continuously on hemagglutininduring evolution of H3N2 human influenza A virus. Gene. 427: 111-116.
- Tada M, Nagasima T, Udagawa T, Tachikawa M, and Sugawara H. (2008) Ab initio fragment molecular orbital (FMO) analysis of the structure of the phosphoinositide-binding peptide from gelsol. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM Online publication complete: 14-JAN-2009 DOI information: 10. 1016/ j. theochem. 2008.12. 003.
- Takeda J, Suzuki Y, Sakate R, Sato Y, Seki M, Irie T, Takeuchi N, Ueda T, Nakao M, Sugano S, Gojobori T, and Imanishi T. (2008) Low conservation and species-specific evolution of alternative splicing in humans and mice analysed with comparative genomics using well-annotated full-length cDNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 36 (20): 6386-6395.
- Tanaka T, Itoh T, Sasaki T, Gojobori T, Hsing Y, Han B, McCombie W, Apweiler R, Tyagi A, Haberer G, Bruskiewich R, Bureau T, Tatusova T, An G, Messing J, Christie K, Lieberherr D, Wing R, Meyers B, and Echeverria M. (2008) The Rice Annotation Project Database (RAP-DB): 2008 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 36: D1028-1033.
- Tateno Y. (2008) International collaboration among DDBJ, EMBL Bank and GenBank. Tanpakushitu Kouso Kakusan. 53: 182-189 (in Japanese).
- Tateno Y, Fukami-Kobayashi K, and Inoko H. (2008) Evolution of MHC class I complex region with special reference to fragmentary LINE sequences. In: Quantum Bio-Informatics, pp412-426, Eds, L. Accardi, W. Freudenberg and M. Ohya, World Scientific Press, New Jersey.
- Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Shimada MK, Hayakawa Y, Minoshima S, Chakraborty R, Gojobori T, and Imanishi T. (2008) Distribution and effects of nonsense polymorphisms in human genes. PLos One. 3 (10): e3393.
- Genome Information Integration Project And H-Invitation 2 (DDBJ からは、Okido T, Mashima J, Lee K-B, Nozaki A, Sakai K, Suzuki Y, Ikeo K, Saitou N, Sugawara H, Fukuchi S, Tateno Y, Gojobori T.) (2008) The H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB), a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts. Nucleic Acids Res., 2008, 36 Database issue: D793-D799.
- Dobashi Y, Suzuki S, Sugawara H, Ooi A (2007) Involvement of epidermal growth factor receptor and downstream molecules in bone and soft tissue tumors. Hum Pathol. June;38(6):914-25.
- Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, Selengut J, Sterk P, Thomson N, Tatusova T, Cochrane G, Kottmann R, Lister A. L, Tateno Y, and Vaughan R (2007) eGenomics: Cataloguing our complete genome collection III, Comp and Func Genomics ID 47304
- Fukami-Kobayashi K, Minezaki Y, Tateno Y and Nishikawa K (2007) A tree of life based on protein domain organizations Mol Biol Evol. 24: 1181 - 1189
- Gough C, Gojobori T and Imanishi T (2007) Cancer-related Mutations in BRCA1-BRCT Cause Long-Range Structural Changes in Protein-Protein Binding Sites: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Proteins 66(1), 69-86.
- Hanada K, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Gojobori T and Alter H J (2007). A reduction in selective immune pressure during the course of chronic hepatitis C correlates with diminished biochemical evidence of hepatic inflammation. Virology 361, 27-33.
- Homma K, Fukuchi S, Nakamura Y, Gojobori T and Nishikawa K (2007). Gene cluster analysis method identifies horizontally transferred genes with high reliability and indicates that they provide the main mechanism of operon gain in eight species of {gamma}-Proteobacteria. Mol. Biol. Evol. 24(3), 805-813.
- Honda H, Kataoka F, Nagaoka S, Kawai Y, Kitazawa K, Kimura N, Taketomo N, Yamazaki Y, Tateno Y and Saito T (2007) β-galactosidase, phospho-β-galactosidase and phospho-β- glucosidase activities of lactobacilli strains isolated from human faces, Lett Appl Microbiol. 45: 461-466
- Hoshino H, Uchida T, Otsuki T, Kawamoto S, Okubo K, Takeichi M, and Chisaka O (2007) Cornichon-like Protein Facilitates Secretion of HB-EGF and Regulates Proper Development of Cranial Nerves. Molecular Biology of the Cell. Apr Vol.18 D1143-1152
- Hotta K, Mitsuhara K, Takahashi H., Inaba K, Oka K, Gojobori T and Ikeo K (2007). A web-based interactive developmental table for the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, including 3D real-image embryo reconstructions: I. From fertilized egg to hatching larva. Dev. Dyn. 236(7), 1790-1805.
- The Rice Annotation Project: Ito, T, Ikeo K, Gojobori T et al. (2007). Curated Genome Annotation of Oryza sativa ssp. Japonica and Comparative Genome Analysis with Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Res. 17(2), 175-183.
- Jung Shan H, Ohyanagi H, Hayakawa S, Osato N, Nishimiya-Fujisawa C, Ikeo K, David C, Fujisawa T and Gojobori T (2007). The evolutionary emergence of cell type specific genes inferred from the gene expression analysis of hydra. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(37), 14735-14740.
- Kotegawa H, Hidaka H, Kobayashi TC, Kikuchi D, Sugawara H, Sato H (2007) Connection between Charge Fluctuations and the Coherent Temperature in the Heavy-Fermion System SmOs4Sb12: A ;{121, 123}Sb NQR Study.Phys Rev Lett. Oct 12;99(15):156408.
- Kubota R, Hanada K, Furukawa Y, Arimura K, Osame M, Gojobori T and Izumo S (2007) Genetic Stability of Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I despite Antiviral Pressures by CTLs.. Journal of Immunol. 178(9), 5966-5972.
- Landry CR, Castillo-Davis CI, Ogura A, Liu JS, and Hartl DL (2007) Systems-level analysis and evolution of the phototransduction network in Drosophila. PNAS 104,9, 3283-3288
- Liu QX, Nakashima-Kamimura N, Ikeo K, Hirose S, and Gojobori T (2007). Compensatory Change of Interacting Amino Acids in the Coevolution of Transcriptional Coactivator MBF1 and TATA-Box Binding Protein TBP. Mol. Biol. Evol. 24(7), 1458-1463.
- Makino T and Gojobori T (2007). Evolution of Protein-Protein Interaction Network. Gene and Protein Evolution. Ge-nome Dynamics Vol. 3, 13-29.
- Hirahata M, Abe T, Tanaka N, Kuwana Y, Shigemoto Y, Miyazaki S, Suzuki Y, Sugawara H (2007) Genome Infor-mation Broker for Viruses (GIB-V): database for comparative analysis of virus genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 35:D339-D342.
- Osato N, Suzuki Y, Ikeo K, and Gojobori T (2007). Transcriptional interferences in cis natural antisense transcripts of human and mouse. Genetics 176, 1299-1306.
- Sakai H, Koyanagi KO, Imanishi T, Itoh T, and Gojobori T (2007). Frequent emergence and functional resurrection of processed pseudogenes in the human and mouse genomes. GENE 389(2), 196-203.
- Sakamoto A, Iwabata K, Koshiyama A, Sugawara H, Yanai T, Kanak Y, Takeuchi R, Daikuhara Y, Takakusagi Y, Sakaguchi K (2007) Two X family DNA polymerases, lambda and mu, in meiotic tissues of the basidiomycete, Coprinus cinereus. Chromosoma. Dec;116(6):545-56.
- Sakate R, Suto Y, Imanishi T, Tanoue T, Hida M, Hayasaka I, Kusuda J, Gojobori T, Hashimoto K and Hirai M (2007) Mapping of chimpanzee full-length cDNAs onto the human genome unveils large potential divergence of the tran-scriptome.GENE 399(1), 1-10.
- Semba H, Sugawara H, Otsuka M, Ueki A (2007) [Nocturnal epilepsy associated with sleep apnea syndrome] Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. Apr 10;96(4):784-6.
- Shin-I T, Tanaka Y, Tateno Y and Mizokami M (2007) Development and public release of comprehensive Hepatitis virus database, Hepatol Res. Sep 17.
- Shiono Y, Sugawara H, Nazarova M, Murayama T, Takahashi K, Ikeda M (2007) Three lanostane triterpenoids, aeruginosols A, B and C, from the fruiting bodies of Stropharia aeruginosa.J Asian Nat Prod Res. Sep;9(6):531-5.
- Sugawara H, Abe T, Gojobori T, and Tateno Y (2007) DDBJ working on evaluation and classification of bacterial genes in INSDC. Nucleic Acids Res. 35: D13-D15
- Sugawara H, Iwata H, Souri M, Ichinose A (2007) Regulation of human protein Z gene expression by liver-enriched transcription factor HNF-4alpha and ubiquitous factor Sp1.J Thromb Haemost. Nov;5(11):2250-8.
- Sugawara H, Ogasawara O, Okubo K, Gojobori T and Tateno Y (2007) DDBJ with new system and face. Nucleic Acids Res Oct 25
- Suzuki Y (2007) Multiple transmissions of tick-borne encephalitis virus between Japan and Russia. Genes & Genetic Systems 82:187-195.
- Suzuki Y (2007) Inferring natural selection operating on conservative and radical substitution at single amino acid sites. Genes & Genetic Systems 82:341-360.
- Takeda JI, Suzuki Y, Nakao M, Kuroda T, Sugano S, Gojobori T and Imanishi T (2007). H-DBAS: Alternative Splic-ing Database of Completely Sequenced and Manually Annotated Full-length cDNAs Based on H-Invitational. Nu-cleic Acids Res. 35 (Database issue), D104-109
- Tanaka N, Uchino M, Miyazaki S, Sugawara H (2007) Identification of discriminative characteristics for clusters from biologic data with InforBIO software.BMC Bioinformatics. Aug 2;8:281.
- Tanaka Y, Hanada K, Hanabusa H, Kurbanov F, Gojobori T and Mizokami M (2007). Increasing genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus in hemophiliacs with human immunodeficiency virus coinfection. J. Gen. Virol. 88(Pt 9), 2513-2519.
- Ushiyama M, Ikeda R, Sugawara H, Yoshida M, Mori K, Kangawa K, Inoue K, Yamada K, Miyata A (2007) Differen-tial intracellular signaling through PAC1 isoforms as a result of alternative splicing in the first extracellular domain and the third intracellular loop. Mol Pharmacol. Jul;72(1):103-11.
- Wang HY, Chien HC, Osada N, Hashimoto K, Sugano S, Gojobori T, Chou CK, Tsai SF, Wu CI, and Shen CK (2007). Rate of Evolution in Brain-Expressed Genes in Humans and Other Primates. PLoS Biology 5(2), e13.
- Yamasaki A, Imada S, Higashimichi H, Fujiwara H, Saita T, Miyamachi T, Sekiyama A, Sugawara H, Kikuchi D, Sato H, Higashiya A, Yabashi M, Tamasaku K, Miwa D, Ishikawa T, Suga S (2007) Coexistence of strongly mixed-valence and heavy-fermion character in SmOs4Sb12 studied by soft- and hard-X-ray spectroscopy. Phys Rev Lett. Apr 13;98(15):156402.
- Genome Information Integration Project And H-Invitational 2, Yamasaki C, Murakami K, Fujii Y, Sato Y, Harada E, Takeda J, Taniya T, Sakate R, Kikugawa S, Shimada M, Tanino M, Koyanagi KO, Barrero RA, Gough C, Chun HW, Habara T, Hanaoka H, Hayakawa Y, Hilton PB, Kaneko Y, Kanno M, Kawahara Y, Kawamura T, Matsuya A, Nagata N, Nishikata K, Noda AO, Nurimoto S, Saichi N, Sakai H, Sanbonmatsu R, Shiba R, Suzuki M, Taka-bayashi K, Takahashi A, Tamura T, Tanaka M, Tanaka S, Todokoro F, Yamaguchi K, Yamamoto N, Okido T, Mashima J, Hashizume A, Jin L, Lee KB, Lin YC, Nozaki A, Sakai K, Tada M, Miyazaki S, Makino T, Ohyanagi H, Osato N, Tanaka N, Suzuki Y, Ikeo K, Saitou N, Sugawara H, O’Donovan C, Kulikova T, Whitfield E, Halli-gan B, Shimoyama M, Twigger S, Yura K, Kimura K, Yasuda T, Nishikawa T, Akiyama Y, Motono C, Mukai Y, Nagasaki H, Suwa M, Horton P, Kikuno R, Ohara O, Lancet D, Eveno E, Graudens E, Imbeaud S, Debily MA, Hayashizaki Y, Amid C, Han M, Osanger A, Endo T, Thomas MA, Hirakawa M, Makalowski W, Nakao M, Kim NS, Yoo HS, De Souza SJ, Bonaldo Mde F, Niimura Y, Kuryshev V, Schupp I, Wiemann S, Bellgard M, Shionyu M, Jia L, Thierry-Mieg D, Thierry-Mieg J, Wagner L, Zhang Q, Go M, Minoshima S, Ohtsubo M, Hanada K, Tonellato P, Isogai T, Zhang J, Lenhard B, Kim S, Chen Z, Hinz U, Estreicher A, Nakai K, Makalowska I, Hide W, Tiffin N, Wilming L, Chakraborty R, Soares MB, Chiusano ML, Suzuki Y, Auffray C, Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Itoh T, Hishiki T, Fukuchi S, Nishikawa K, Sugano S, Nomura N, Tateno Y, Imanishi T, Gojobori T (2008) The H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB), a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts. Nucleic Acids Res. Jan;36(Database issue):D793-9.
- You DJ, Fukuchi S, Nishikawa K, Koga Y, Takano K, Kanaya S (2007) Protein thermostabilization requires a fine-tuned placement of surface-charged residues. J Biochem. Oct;142(4):507-16.
- Yuge K, Ikeo K and Gojobori T (2007) Evolutionary origin of sex-related genes in the mouse brain. Gene 406(1-2), 108-112.
- Abe T, Sugawara H, Kanaya S, Ikemura T. Sequences from Almost All Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, and Viral Genomes Available Could be Classified According to Genomes on a Large-Scale Self-Organizing Map Constructed with the Earth Simulator. Journal of the Earth Simulator. 2006 Oct 6; 17-23.
- Abe T, Sugawara H, Kanaya S, Kinouchi M, Ikemura T. Self-Organizing Map (SOM) unveils and visualizes hidden sequence characteristics of a wide range of eukaryote genomes. Gene. 2006 Jan 3;365:27-34.
- Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tang LY, Lam DS, Chung TK, Pang CP. Molecular characterization of the developmental gene in eyes: through data-mining on integrated transcriptome databases. Clin Biochem. 2006 Mar;39(3):224-30.
- Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, **Ikeo K, **Gojobori T, Lam DS, Pang CP. Genomic annotation of 15,809 ESTs identified from pooled early gestation human eyes. Physiol Genomics. 2006 Mar 13;25(1):9-15.
- Cochrane G, Bates K, Apweiler R, Tateno Y, Mashima J, Kosuge T, Mizrachi IK, Schafer S, Fetchko M. Evidence standards in experimental and inferential INSDC Third Party Annotation data. OMICS. 2006 Summer;10(2):105-13.
- Fukuchi S, Homma K, Minezaki Y, Nishikawa K. Intrinsically disordered loops inserted into the structural domains of human proteins. J Mol Biol. 2006 Jan 27;355(4):845-57.
- Hanada K, Gojobori T, Li WH. Radical amino acid change versus positive selection in the evolution of viral envelope proteins. Gene. 2006 Dec 30;385:83-8.
- Hanada K, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Gojobori T, Alter HJ. A reduction in selective immune pressure during the course of chronic hepatitis C correlates with diminished biochemical evidence of hepatic inflammation. Virology. 2006 Dec 14; [Epub ahead of print]
- Haruki M, Saito Y, Ota M, Nishikawa K, Kanaya S. Stabilization of E. coli Ribonuclease HI by the ‘stability profile of mutant protein’ (SPMP)-inspired random and non-random mutagenesis. J Biotechnol. 2006 Jul 25;124(3):512-22.
- Homma K, Fukuchi S, Nakamura Y, Gojobori T, Nishikawa K. Gene Cluster Analysis Method Identifies Horizontally Transferred Genes with High Reliability and Indicates that They Provide the Main Mechanism of Operon Gain in Eight Species of {gamma}-Proteobacteria. 1: Mol Biol Evol. 2006 Dec 21; [Epub ahead of print]
- Kinjo AR, Nishikawa K. CRNPRED: highly accurate prediction of one-dimensional protein structures by large-scale critical random networks. BMC Bioinformatics. 2006 Sep 5;7:401
- Kobayashi N, Watanabe M, Kijimoto T, Fujimura K, Nakazawa M, Ikeo K, Kohara Y, Gojobori T, Okada N. magp4 gene may contribute to the diversification of cichlid morphs and their speciation. Gene. 2006 May 24;373:126-33.
- Kosuge T, Abe T, Okido T, Tanaka N, Hirahata M, Maruyama Y, Mashima J, Tomiki A, Kurokawa M, Himeno R, Fukuchi S, Miyazaki S, Gojobori T, Tateno Y, Sugawara H. Exploration and Grading of Possible Genes from 183 Bacterial Strains by a Common Protocol to Identification of New Genes: Gene Trek in Prokaryote Space (GTPS). DNA Res. 2006 Dec 13; [Epub ahead of print]
- Makino T, Gojobori T. The evolutionary rate of a protein is influenced by features of the interacting partners. Mol Biol Evol. 2006 Apr;23(4):784-9.
- Makino T, Suzuki Y, Gojobori T. Differential evolutionary rates of duplicated genes in protein interaction network. Gene. 2006 Dec 30;385:57-63.
- Minezaki Y, Homma K, Kinjo AR, Nishikawa K. Human transcription factors contain a high fraction of intrinsically disordered regions essential for transcriptional regulation. J Mol Biol. 2006 Jun 16;359(4):1137-49.
- Morrison N, Cochrane G, Faruque N, Tatusova T, Tateno Y, Hancock D, Field D. Concept of sample in OMICS technology. OMICS. 2006 Summer;10(2):127-37.
- Niimi T, Sahara K, Oshima H, Yasukochi Y, Ikeo K, Traut W. Molecular cloning and chromosomal localization of the Bombyx Sex-lethal gene. Genome. 2006 Mar;49(3):263-8.
- Noda AO, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. Comparative genome analyses of nervous system-specific genes. Gene. 2006 Jan 3;365:130-6.
- Ogasawara O, Otsuji M, Watanabe K, Iizuka T, Tamura T, Hishiki T, Kawamoto S, Okubo K. BodyMap-Xs: anatomical breakdown of 17 million animal ESTs for cross-species comparison of gene expression. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 1;34(Database issue):D628-31.
- Ohta T, Kawabata T, Nishikawa K, Tani A, Kimbara K, Kawai F. Analysis of amino acid residues involved in catalysis of polyethylene glycol dehydrogenase from Sphingopyxis terrae, using three-dimensional molecular modeling-based kinetic characterization of mutants. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006 Jun;72(6):4388-96.
- Ohyanagi H, Tanaka T, Sakai H, Shigemoto Y, Yamaguchi K, Habara T, Fujii Y, Antonio BA, Nagamura Y, Imanishi T, Ikeo K, Itoh T, Gojobori T, Sasaki T. The Rice Annotation Project Database (RAP-DB): hub for Oryza sativa ssp. japonica genome information. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 1;34(Database issue):D741-4.
- Okubo K, Sugawara H, Gojobori T, Tateno Y. DDBJ in preparation for overview of research activities behind data submissions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 1;34(Database issue):D6-9.
- Riley M, Abe T, Arnaud MB, Berlyn MK, Blattner FR, Chaudhuri RR, Glasner JD, Horiuchi T, Keseler IM, Kosuge T, Mori H, Perna NT, Plunkett G 3rd, Rudd KE, Serres MH, Thomas GH, Thomson NR, Wishart D, Wanner BL. Escherichia coli K-12: a cooperatively developed annotation snapshot–2005. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 5;34(1):1-9.
- Sakabe E, Tanaka N, Shimozono N, Gojobori T, Fujiwara S. Effects of U0126 and fibroblast growth factor on gene expression profile in Ciona intestinalis embryos as revealed by microarray analysis. Dev Growth Differ. 2006 Aug;48(6):391-400.
- Sakai H, Koyanagi KO, Imanishi T, Itoh T, Gojobori T. Frequent emergence and functional resurrection of processed pseudogenes in the human and mouse genomes. Gene. 2006 Nov 18; [Epub ahead of print]
- Shiina T, Ota M, Shimizu S, Katsuyama Y, Hashimoto N, Takasu M, Anzai T, Kulski JK, Kikkawa E,Naruse T, Kimura N, Yanagiya K, Watanabe A, Hosomichi K, Kohara S, Iwamoto C, Umehara Y, Meyer A, Wanner V, Sano K, Macquin C, Ikeo K, Tokunaga K, Gojobori T, Inoko H, Bahram S. Rapid evolution of major histocompatibility complex class I genes in primates generates new disease alleles in humans via hitchhiking diversity. Genetics. 2006 Jul;173(3):1555-70.
- Suzuki Y. Ancient positive selection on CD155 as a possible cause for susceptibility to poliovirus infection in simians. Gene. 2006 May 24;373:16-22.
- Suzuki Y. Natural selection on the influenza virus genome. Mol Biol Evol. 2006 Oct;23(10):1902-11.
- Suzuki Y. Statistical properties of the methods for detecting positively selected amino acid sites. Gene. 2006 Jan 3;365:125-9.
- Takeda J, Suzuki Y, Nakao M, Barrero RA, Koyanagi KO, Jin L, Motono C, Hata H, Isogai T, Nagai K, Otsuki T, Kuryshev V, Shionyu M, Yura K, Go M, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Wiemann S, Nomura N, Sugano S, Gojobori T, Imanishi T. Large-scale identification and characterization of alternative splicing variants of human gene transcripts using 56,419 completely sequenced and manually annotated full-length cDNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006;34(14):3917-28.
- Tanaka N, Abe T, Miyazaki S, Sugawara H. A Useful Bioinformatics Suite for Retrieving and Analyzing Microbial Genome Data (G-InforBIO). Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry. 2006;7:87-93.
- Tanaka N, Abe T, Miyazaki S, Sugawara H. G-InforBIO: integrated system for microbial genomics. BMC Bioinformatics. 2006 Aug 4;7:368.
- Tanaka T, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. Evolution of metabolic networks by gain and loss of enzymatic reaction in eukaryotes. Gene. 2006 Jan 3;365:88-94.
- Traut W, Niimi T, Ikeo K, Sahara K. Phylogeny of the sex-determining gene Sex-lethal in insects. Genome. 2006 Mar;49(3):254-62.
- Wang HY, Chien HC, Osada N, Hashimoto K, Sugano S, Gojobori T, Chou CK, Tsai SF, Wu CI, Shen CK. Rate of Evolution in Brain-Expressed Genes in Humans and Other Primates. PLoS Biol. 2006 Dec 26;5(2):e13 [Epub ahead of print]
- Yamasaki C, Kawashima H, Todokoro F, Imamizu Y, Ogawa M, Tanino M, Itoh T, Gojobori T, Imanishi T. TACT: Transcriptome Auto-annotation Conducting Tool of H-InvDB. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jul 1;34(Web Server issue):W345-9.
- Yoshida K, Fujisawa T, Hwang JS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. Degeneration after sexual differentiation in hydra and its relevance to the evolution of aging. Gene. 2006 Dec 30;385:64-70.
- Yura K, Shionyu M, Hagino K, Hijikata A, Hirashima Y, Nakahara T, Eguchi T, Shinoda K, Yamaguchi A, Takahashi K, Itoh T, Imanishi T, Gojobori T, Go M. Alternative splicing in human transcriptome: functional and structural influence on proteins. Gene. 2006 Oct 1;380(2):63-71.
- Chiusano ML, Gojobori T, Toraldo G. A C++ computational environment for biomolecular sequence management. Computational Management Sciences. 2005 2(3): 165-80.
- Fujii Y, Itoh T, Sakate R, Koyanagi KO, Matsuya A, Habara T, Yamaguchi K, Kaneko Y, Gojobori T, Imanishi T. A web tool for comparative genomics: G-compass. Gene. 2005 Dec 30;364C:45-52.
- Fukami-Kobayashi K, Shiina T, Anzai T, Sano K, Yamazaki M, Inoko H, Tateno Y. Genomic evolution of MHC class I region in primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jun 28;102(26):9230-4.
- Hanada K, Suzuki Y, Nakane T, Hirose O, Gojobori T. The origin and evolution of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses. Mol Biol Evol. 2005 Apr;22(4):1024-31.
- Hayashi H, Abe T, Sakamoto M, Ohara H, Ikemura T, Sakka K, Benno Y. Direct cloning of genes encoding novel xylanases from the human gut. Can J Microbiol. 2005 Mar;51(3):251-9.
- International Rice Genome Sequencing Project. The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Nature. 2005 Aug 11;436:793-800
- Itoh K, Kawasaki S, Kawamoto S, Seishima M, Chiba H, Michibata H, Wakimoto K, Imai Y, Minesaki Y, Otsuji M, Okubo K. Identification of differentially expressed genes in psoriasis using expression profiling approaches. Exp Dermatol. 2005 Sep;14(9):667-74.
- Kaimori JY, Takenaka M, Okubo K. Quantification of gene expression in mouse and human renal proximal tubules. Methods Mol Biol. 2005;293:209-19.
- Kijimoto T, Watanabe M, Fujimura K, Nakazawa M, Murakami Y, Kuratani S, Kohara Y, Gojobori T, Okada N. cimp1, a novel astacin family metalloproteinase gene from East African cichlids, is differentially expressed between species during growth. Mol Biol Evol. 2005 Aug;22(8):1649-60
- Kinjo AR, Horimoto K, Nishikawa K. Predicting absolute contact numbers of native protein structure from amino acid sequence. Proteins. 2005 Jan 1;58(1):158-65.
- Kinjo AR, Nishikawa K. Predicting secondary structures, contact numbers, and residue-wise contact orders of native protein structure from amino acid sequence using critical random networks. BIOPHYSICS. 2005, 1:67-74.
- Kinjo AR, Nishikawa K. Recoverable one-dimensional encoding of three-dimensional protein structures. Bioinformatics. 2005 May 15;21(10):2167-70.
- Koyanagi KO, Hagiwara M, Itoh T, Gojobori T, Imanishi T. Comparative genomics of bidirectional gene pairs and its implications for the evolution of a transcriptional regulation system. Gene. 2005 Jul 4;353(2):169-76.
- Matsumura Y, Shimokawa K, Hayashizaki Y, Ikeo K, Tateno Y, Kawai J. Development of a spot reliability evaluation score for DNA microarrays. Gene. 2005 May 9;350(2):149-60.
- Minezaki Y, Homma K, Nishikawa K. Genome-Wide Survey of Transcription Factors in Prokaryotes Reveals Many Bacteria-Specific Families Not Found in Archaea. DNA Res. 2005,12(5): 269-80.
- Nakao M, Barrero RA, Mukai Y, Motono C, Suwa M, Nakai K. Large-scale analysis of human alternative protein isoforms: pattern classification and correlation with subcellular localization signals. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Apr 28;33(8):2355-63.
- Nishio Y, Usuda Y, Gojobori T, Ikeo K. Comparative whole genome sequence analysis of corynebacteria. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II. 2005 121-9.
- Ogasawara M, Imanishi T, Moriwaki K, Gaudieri S, Tsuda H, Hashimoto H, Shiroishi T, Gojobori T, Koide T. Length variation of CAG/CAA triplet repeats in 50 genes among 16 inbred mouse strains. Gene. 2005 Apr 11;349:107-19.
- Ogura A, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. Estimation of ancestral gene set of bilaterian animals and its implication to dynamic change of gene content in bilaterian evolution. Gene. 2005 Jan 17;345(1):65-71.
- Osada N, Hirata M, Tanuma R, Kusuda J, Hida M, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Gojobori T, Shen CK, Wu CI, Hashimoto K. Substitution rate and structural divergence of 5’UTR evolution: comparative analysis between human and cynomolgus monkey cDNAs. Mol Biol Evol. 2005 Oct;22(10):1976-82.
- Saka K, Tadenuma M, Nakade S, Tanaka N, Sugawara H, Nishikawa K, Ichiyoshi N, Kitagawa M, Mori H, Ogasawara N, Nishimura A. A complete set of Escherichia coli open reading frames in mobile plasmids facilitating genetic studies. DNA Res. 2005 Feb 28;12(1):63-8.
- Shirai T, Nakato A, Izutani N, Nagahisa K, Shioya S, Kimura E, Kawarabayasi Y, Yamagishi A, Gojobori T, Shimizu H. Comparative study of flux redistribution of metabolic pathway in glutamate production by two coryneform bacteria. Metab Eng. 2005 Mar;7(2):59-69.
- Tamiya G, Shinya M, Imanishi T, Ikuta T, Makino S, Okamoto K, Furugaki K, Matsumoto T, Mano S, Ando S, Nozaki Y, Yukawa W, Nakashige R, Yamaguchi D, Ishibashi H, Yonekura M, Nakami Y, Takayama S, Endo T, Saruwatari T, Yagura M, Yoshikawa Y, Fujimoto K, Oka A, Chiku S, Linsen SE, Giphart MJ, Kulski JK, Fukazawa T, Hashimoto H, Kimura M, Hoshina Y, Suzuki Y, Hotta T, Mochida J, Minezaki T, Komai K, Shiozawa S, Taniguchi A, Yamanaka H, Kamatani N, Gojobori T, Bahram S, Inoko H. Whole genome association study of rheumatoid arthritis using 27 039 microsatellites. Hum Mol Genet. 2005 Aug 15;14(16):2305-21.
- Tanaka T, Tateno Y, Gojobori T. Evolution of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) metabolism by gain and loss of genes. Mol Biol Evol. 2005 Feb;22(2):243-50.
- Tanaka Y, Hanada K, Orito E, Akahane Y, Chayama K, Yoshizawa H, Sata M, Ohta N, Miyakawa Y, Gojobori T, Mizokami M. Molecular evolutionary analyses implicate injection treatment for schistosomiasis in the initial hepatitis C epidemics in Japan. J Hepatol. 2005 Jan;42(1):47-53.
- Tanino M, Debily MA, Tamura T, Hishiki T, Ogasawara O, Murakawa K, Kawamoto S, Itoh K, Watanabe S, de Souza SJ, Imbeaud S, Graudens E, Eveno E, Hilton P, Sudo Y, Kelso J, Ikeo K, Imanishi T, Gojobori T, Auffray C, Hide W, Okubo K. The Human Anatomic Gene Expression Library (H-ANGEL), the H-Inv integrative display of human gene expression across disparate technologies and platforms. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D567-72.
- Tateno Y, Saitou N, Okubo K, Sugawara H, Gojobori T. DDBJ in collaboration with mass-sequencing teams on annotation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D25-8.
- The FANTOM Consortium: Carninci P, Gojobori T and other 158 authors and Hume D.A. and Riken Genome Exploration Research Group and Genome Science Group. (Genome Network Project Core Group):Kai C., and other 31 authors and Hayashizaki Y. (2005). The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome. Science. 2005 Sep 2;309(5740):1559-63.
- Uchiyama T, Abe T, Ikemura T, Watanabe K. Substrate-induced gene-expression screening of environmental metagenome libraries for isolation of catabolic genes. Nat Biotechnol. 2005 Jan;23(1):88-93.
- Yamasaki C, Koyanagi KO, Fujii Y, Itoh T, Barrero R, Tamura T, Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Tanino M, Takeda J, Fukuchi S, Miyazaki S, Nomura N, Sugano S, Imanishi T, Gojobori T. Investigation of protein functions through data-mining on integrated human transcriptome database, H-Invitational database (H-InvDB). Gene. 2005 Dec 30;364:99-107.
- Yokomine T, Shirohzu H, Purbowasito W, Toyoda A, Iwama H, Ikeo K, Hori T, Mizuno S, Tsudzuki M, Matsuda Y, Hattori M, Sakaki Y, Sasaki H. Structural and functional analysis of a 0.5-Mb chicken region orthologous to the imprinted mammalian Ascl2/Mash2-Igf2-H19 region. Genome Res. 2005 Jan;15(1):154-65.
- Abe T, Ikemura T, Kanaya S, Kinouchi M, Sugawara H. (2004) Novel genome informatics for unveiling hidden signatures in genome sequences: self-organizing map (SOM) of oligonucleotide frequencies. Proceedings of Information-Based Induction Sciences. 94-99.
- Abe T, Kanaya S, Kinouchi M, Ikemura T. (2004) Genome Informatics for Unveiling Hidden Genome Signatures. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 52:207-215.
- Abe T, Kanaya S, Kinouchi M, Kosaka Y, Ikemura T. (2004) Novel bioinformatics for unveiling hidden characteristics in genome sequences and searching in silico for genetic signal sequences. The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
- Alexopoulos H, Bottger A, Fischer S, Levin A, Wolf A, Fujisawa T, Hayakawa S, Gojobori T, Davies J, David C, Bacon J. (2004) Evolution of gap junctions: the missing link? Curr Biol. 14(20):R879-80.
- Andrews TD, Gojobori T. (2004) Strong positive selection and recombination drive the antigenic variation of the PilE protein of the human pathogen neisseria meningitidis. Genetics. 166(1):25-32.
- Ball CA, Brazma A, Causton H, Chervitz S, Edgar R, Hingamp P, Matese JC, Parkinson H, Quackenbush J, Ringwald M, Sansone SA, Sherlock G, Spellman P, Stoeckert C, Tateno Y, Taylor R, White J, Winegarden N. (2004) Submission of microarray data to public repositories. PLoS Biol. 2:1276-1277, also Microbiology. 150:3522-3524 and Environ Health Perspect 112:A666-A667. Epub 2004 Jan 31.
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- Chiba H, Michibata H, Wakimoto K, Seishima M, Kawasaki S, Okubo K, Mitsui H, Torii H, Imai Y. (2004) Cloning of a gene for a novel epithelium-specific Cytosolic Phospholipase A2,cPLA2delta, induced in Psoriatic Skin. J Biol Chem. 279(13):12890-7. Epub 2004 Jan 06
- Fukuchi S, Nishikawa K. (2004) Estimation of the number of authentic orphan genes in bacterial genomes. DNA Res. 11(4), 219-231, 311-313.
- Hanada K, Suzuki Y, Gojobori T. (2005) A large variation in the rates of synonymous substitution for RNA viruses and its relationship to a diversity of viral infection and transmission modes. Mol Biol Evol. 21, 1074-80.
- Hishiki T, Ogasawara O, Tsuruoka Y, Okubo K. (2004) Indexing anatomical concepts to OMIM Clinical Synopsis using the UMLS Metathesaurus. In Silico Biol. 4:31-54. Epub 2003 Dec 28.
- Homma K, Kikuno RF, Nagase T, Ohara O, Nishikawa K. (2004) Alternative splice variants encoding unstable protein domains exist in the human brain. J Mol Bio. 343(5):1207-20.
- Hwang JS, Kobayashi C, Agata K, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. (2004) Detection of apoptosis during planarian regeneration by the expression of apoptosis-related genes and TUNEL assay. Gene. 333:15-25.
- Imanishi T, and another 151 authors including Suzuki Y, Fukuchi S, Barrero RA, Miyazaki S, Ikeo K, Nishikawa K, Sugawara H, Tateno Y, Okubo K, Gojobori T. (2004) Integrative annotation of 21,037 human genes validated by full-length cDNA clones. PLoS Biol. 2004 Jun;2(6):e162. Epub 2004 Apr 20.
- Iwama H, Gojobori T. (2004) Highly conserved upstream sequences for transcription factor genes and implications for the regulatory network. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 101(49):17156-61. Epub 2004 Nov 30.
- Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Wang CC, Toda T, Shirayoshi Y, Inoue T, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Rogers MS, Oshimura M. (2004) Containing a single human chromosome 21 in neuronal differentiation: an in vitro model of Down syndrome. Neuroscience. 129(2):325-35.
- Kaimori J, Takenaka M, Okubo K.(2004) Quantification of Gene Expression in Mouse and Human Renal Proximal Tubules., Laser Capture Microdissection Methods and Protocols. In: Methods in Molecular Biology 293. Grame I. Murray and Stephanie Curran ed (Humana Press). 209-220.
- Kashiwagi K, Fukami-Kobayashi K, Shiba K, Nishikawa K. (2004) Construction and characterization of chimeric proteins composed of type-1 and type-2 periplasmic binding proteins MglB and ArgT. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 68(4):808-813
- Kawai Y, Ishii Y, Arakawa K, Uemura K, Saitoh B, Nishimura J, Kitazawa H, Yamazaki Y, Tateno Y, Itoh T, Saito T. (2004) Structural and functional differences in two cyclic bacteriocins with the same sequences produced by lactobacilli. Appl Environ Microbiol. 70(5):2906-2911.
- Kinjo AR, Nishikawa K. (2004) Eigenvalue analysis of amino acid substitution matrices reveals a sharp transition of the mode of sequence conservation in proteins. Bioinformatics. 20(16):2504-2508. Epub 2004 May 6.
- Komiyama T, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. (2004) The evolutionary origin of long-crowing chicken: its evolutionary relationship with fighting cocks disclosed by the mtDNA sequence analysis. Gene. 333:91-99.
- Komiyama T, Ikeo K, Tateno Y, Gojobori T. (2004) Japanese domesticated chickens have been derived from Shamo, traditional fighting cocks. Mol Phylogenet Evo. 33(1):16-21.
- Mano S, Yasuda N, Katoh T, Tounai K, Inoko H, Imanishi T, Tamiya G, Gojobori T. (2004) Notes on the maximum likelihood estimation of haplotype frequescies. Ann Hum Genet. 68(Pt 3):257-64.
- Matsumoto T, Yukawa W, Nozaki, Y, Nakashige R, Shinya M, Makino S, Yagura, M, Ikuta T, Imanishi T, Inoko H, Tamiya G, Gojobori T. (2004) Novel algorithm for automated genotyping of microsatelites. Nucleic Acids Res. 32(20):6069-77.
- Michibata H, Chiba H, Wakimoto K, Seishima M, Kawasaki S, Okubo K, Mitsui H, Torii H, Imai Y. (2004) Identification and characterization of a novel component of the cornified envelope, cornifelin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 318(4):803-13.
- Miyazaki S, Sugawara H, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tateno Y. (2004) DDBJ in the stream of various biological data. Nucleic Acids Res. 32(Database issue):D31-4.
- Nakamura Y, Itoh T, Matsuda H, Gojobori T. (2004) Biased biological functions of horizontally transferred genes on 324,653 open reading frames of 116 prokaryotic complete genomes. Nat Genet. 36(7):760-6. Epub 2004 Jun 20.
- Nishio H, Altaf-Ul-Amin M, Nakamura Y, Abe T, Kinouchi M, Ikemura T, Kobayashi K, Ogasawara N, Kanaya S. (2004) Gene Classification Based on Expression Profile Using BL-SOM: Suitability Assessment of Multivariate Gene Expression Data to Spherical and Plain SOM by N-Measure. The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics. Cybernetics and Informatics,
- Nishio Y, Nakamura Y, Usuda Y, Sugimoto S, Matsui, K, Kawarabayashi Y, Kikuchi H, Gojobori T, Ikeo K. (2004) Evolutionary process of the amino acids biosynthesis in Corynebacterium at the whole genome level. Mol Biol Evol. 21(9):1683-91. Epub 2004 May 26.
- Ogura A, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. (2004) Comparative analysis of gene expression for convergent evolution of camera eye between octopus and human. Genome Res. 14(8):1555-61.
- Sugawara H. (2004) Tsunami of data: Data resources and utilization. Kurtboke I. and Swings J. (ed.) Microbial Genetic Resources and Biodiscovery. 40-56/ National Library of Australia.
- Sugawara H, Abe T, Tanaka N, Miyazaki S. (2004) Encounter of microbiology with the data science in the phase called post-genome sequencing. Soil microorganisms. 58(2):57-67.
- Suzuki Y. (2004) Negative selection on neutralization epitopes of poliovirus surface proteins: implications for prediction of candidate epitopes for immunization. Gene. 328:127-133.
- Suzuki Y. (2004) New methods for detecting positive selection at single amino acid sites. J Mol Evol. 59(1):11-9.
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- Toyoda R, Kasai A, Sato S, Wada S, Saiga H, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Numakunai T, Yamamoto H. (2004) Pigment cell lineage-specific expression activity of the ascidian tyrosinase-related gene. Gene. 332:61-69.
- Wang CC, Kadota M, Nishigaki, Kazuki Y, Shirayoshi Y, Rogers MS, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Oshimura M. (2004). Molecular hierarchy in neurons differentiated from mouse ES cells containing a single human chromosome 21. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 314(2):335-50
- Watanabe M, Kobayashi N, Shin-I T, Horiike T, Tateno Y, Kohara Y, Okada N. (2004) Extensive analysis of ORF sequences from two different cichlid species in Lake Victoria provides molecular evidence for a recent radiation event of the Victoria species flock Identity of EST sequences between Haplochromis chilotes and Haplochromis sp. “Redtailsheller”. Gene. 343: 263-269.
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- Ando A, Kawata H, Shigenari A, Anzai T, Ota M, Katsuyama Y, Sada M, Goto R, Takeshima SN, Aida Y, Iwanaga T, Fujimura N,Suzuki Y, Gojobori T, Inoko H. (2003) Genetic polymorphism of the swine major histocompatibility complex (SLA) class I genes, SLA-1, -2 and -3. Immunogenetics. 55(9):583-93.
- Anzai T, Shiina T, Kimura N, Yanagiya K, Kohara S, Shigenari A, Yamagata T, Kulski JK, Naruse TK, Fujimori Y, Fukuzumi Y, Yamazaki M, Tashiro H, Iwamoto C, Umehara Y, Imanishi T, Meyer A, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Bahram S, Inoko H. (2003) Comparative sequencing of human and chimpanzee MHC class I regions unveils insertions/deletions as the major path to genomic divergence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100(13):7708-13.
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- Fukami-Kobayashi K, Tateno Y, Nishikawa K. (2003) Parallel evolution of ligand specificity between LacI/GalR family repressors and periplasmic sugar-binding proteins. Mol Biol Evol. 20(2):267-77.
- Fukuchi S, Yoshimune K, Wakayama M, Moriguchi M, Nishikawa K. (2003) Unique amino acid composition of proteins in halophilic bacteria. J Mol Biol. 327(2):347-57.
- Hotta K, Takahashi H, Ueno N, Gojobori T. (2003) A genome-wide survey of the genes for planar polarity signaling or convergent extension-related genes in Ciona intestinalis and phylogenetic comparisons of evolutionary conserved signaling components. Gene. 317(1-2):165-85.
- Ikeo K, Ishi-i J, Tamura T, Gojobori T, Tateno Y. (2003) CIBEX: center for information biology gene expression database. C R Biol. 326(10-11):1079-82.
- Ishibashi T, Nakazawa M, Ono H, Satoh N, Gojobori T, Fujiwara S. (2003) Microarray analysis of embryonic retinoic acid target genes in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Dev Growth Differ. 45(3):249-59.
- Kaimori JY, Takenaka M, Nakajima H, Hamano T, Horio M, Sugaya T, Ito T, Hori M, Okubo K, Imai E. (2003) Induction of glia maturation factor-beta in proximal tubular cells leads to vulnerability to oxidative injury through the p38 pathway and changes in antioxidant enzyme activities. J Biol Chem. 278(35):33519-27. Epub 2003 Jun 05.
- Kashiwagi K, Shiba K, Fukami-Kobayashi K, Noda T, Nishikawa K, Noguchi H. (2003) Characterization of folding pathways of the type-1 and type-2 periplasmic binding proteins MglB and ArgT. J Biochem. 133(3):371-6.
- Kawasaki S, Kawamoto S, Yokoi N, Connon C, Minesaki Y, Kinoshita S, Okubo K. (2003) Up-regulated gene expression in the conjunctival epithelium of patients with Sjogren’s syndrome. Exp Eye Res. 77(1):17-26.
- Kinjo AR, Takada S. (2003) Competition between protein folding and aggregation with molecular chaperones in crowded solutions: insight from mesoscopic simulations. Biophys J. 85(6):3521-31.
- Komiyama T, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. (2003) Where is the origin of the Japanese gamecocks? Gene. 317(1-2):195-202.
- Mineta K, Nakazawa M, Cebria F, Ikeo K, Agata K, Gojobori T. (2003) Origin and evolutionary process of the CNS elucidated by comparative genomics analysis of planarian ESTs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100(13):7666-71.
- Miyazaki S, Sugawara H, Gojobori T, Tateno Y. (2003) DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) in XML. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(1):13-6.
- Miyazaki S, Sugawara H, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tateno Y. (2003) Free in PMC DDBJ in the stream of various biological data. Nucleic Acids Res. 32 Database issue:D31-4.
- Miyazaki S, Tateno Y. (2003) DNA Data Bank of Japan as an Indispensable Public Database. In: Populations and Genetics. Knoppers B.M. eds (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). 115-121.
- Nakamura K, Suzuki Y, Ikeo K, Ikeda Y, Sato E, Nguyen NT, Gojobori T, Mikami T, Miyazawa T. (2003) Phylogenetic analysis of Vietnamese isolates of feline immunodeficiency virus: genetic diversity of subtype C. Arch Virol. 148(4):783-91.
- Nakamura Y, Nishio Y, Ikeo K, Gojobori T. (2003) The genome stability in Corynebacterium species due to lack of the recombinational repair system. Gene. 317(1-2):149-55.
- Nakashima H, Fukuchi S, Nishikawa K. (2003) Compositional changes in RNA, DNA and proteins for bacterial adaptation to higher and lower temperatures. J Biochem. 133(4):507-13.
- Nakazawa M, Cebria F, Mineta K, Ikeo K, Agata K, Gojobori T. (2003) Search for the evolutionary origin of a brain: planarian brain characterized by microarray. Mol Biol Evol. 20(5):784-91.
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