If you want to release your data, specify DDBJ/DRA/GEA/MetaboBank accession numbers to be released. When only BioProject accession is informed, only the BioProject record is released and related data are not released. Similarly, when only BioSample accession is informed, only the BioSample record is released and related data are not released.
DDBJ/DRA/GEA/MetaboBank data release triggers relase of referencing BioProject and BioSample.
FAQ: How are linked BioProject/BioSample/sequence data released?
Inform accession number(s) of nucleotide sequence(s) to be released through the update form.
Login D-way and release DRA data by yourself.
Inform GEA Experiment accession number (E-GEAD-n) or Submission ID (e.g., ESUB000001) to be released through the contact form.
Inform MetaboBank Study accession number (MTBKSn) to be released through the contact form.
Inform BioProject accession number (e.g., PRJDB1) or Submission ID (e.g., PSUB000001) to be released through the contact form.
When only BioProject accession is informed, only the BioProject record is released and related data are not released.
Inform BioSample accession number (e.g., SAMD00000001) or Submission ID (e.g., SSUB000001) to be released through the contact form.
When only BioSample accession is informed, only the BioSample record is released and related data are not released.