For once published entries, we can restrict to use the data, if the conditions are right.
In case of the restriction, DDBJ will not include the data in its periodical release and remove from all services under DDBJ.
However, the data is permanently available on getentry queried with its accession number.
※ The rule is not applied, when the data is published by any mistake of INSD.
This policy is written in the document prepared by International Advisory Committee of INSD on Overview of International Nucleotide Sequence Databases Policies as follows;

All database records submitted to the INSD will remain an entry accessible as part of the scientific record. Corrections of errors and update of the records by authors are welcome and erroneous records may be removed from the next database release, but all will remain permanently accessible by accession number.

In addition, there are a number of databases constructed by occasionally using data from INSD.
DDBJ can not support to delete data from such databases. If you are to delete the cited data on other databases, you have to contact managing staff of each database, directly.

INSDC Status Document