The nucleotide sequence database collected and maintained by DDBJ is quarterly released online to the public and distributed in the magnetic media.We completed DDBJ Release 38 in July 30, 1999. DDBJ Release 38 consists of 4,294,369 entries, and the number of bases reached 3,098,519,597.Proportions of entries collected in Japan, U. S. A. and Europe are 11%, 81.8% and 7.9%.On the last release, the number of entries collected in Japan exceeded European ones for the first time. At this release 38, the difference increased.
We had put new system VERSION number (Nucleotide ID and Protein ID) into operation from release 37. According to this, NID and PID will be terminated on release 39 (October 1999) .
Please see DDBJ statitics for more information