Human genome project teams of US, Europe, and Japan completed the sequence of human chromosome 22 (33.4 million bps).This chromosome contains 545 genes and 134 pseudogenes, and it is about 1 % of the whole human genome.
Keio University team headed by Professor Nobuyoshi Shimizu, Sanger Centre in U.K., University of Okurahoma and Washington University in U.S.A. determined those sequences.
The Keio University team submitted their data to DDBJ, and we released to public in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank International Nucleotide Sequence Database.
List of the Keio University team's data (90 entries, 5,453,751 bps)
D86989, D86991, D86993-D86996, D86998-D87000, D87002-D87004, D87006-D87007, D87009-D87024, D88268-D88271, AP000343-AP000362, AP000365, AP000522-AP000547, AP000550-AP000558