The Chromosome 21 Mapping and Sequencing Consortium completed the sequencing of the human chromosome #21 and submitted the data to DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank International Nucleotide Sequence Database.The Chromosome 21 Mapping and Sequencing Consortium consists of Japanese and German teams.

Japanese team:
* RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center,
Human Genome Research Group
( Headed by Dr. Yoshiyuki Sakaki)
* Keio University School of
Medicine, Dept. of Molecular Biology
( Headed by Dr. Nobuyoshi Shimizu)

German team:
- Institute of Molecular Biotechnology
- GBF, Dept. of Genome Analysis
- Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

In total we have made public 106 entries ( about 33 Mbases) of HUM division sequence data. Japanese team was in charge of 75 entries.
We constructed the CON entry assembled by 105 entries on q arm of Chr #21.Accession numbers is BA000005. From below, the DNA sequence(s) having reference to BA000005 can be transferred (by ftp) or displayed directly.

o transfer all the relevant DDBJ entries in DDBJ format
o transfer all the DNA sequences separately in FASTA format
o display all the DNA sequences separately in FASTA format

A large amount of data will be trasferred if you select "display".So, please be careful about memory overflow on the client side. Also, the combined DNA sequence will not be created if there are gaps between entries.

About CON division:
The CON division is to show the order of related sequences in a genome, and expressed by join and the accession numbers of the sequences.The contents of the CON division are compiled by the three data banks not by the data submitter.

Submitted by RIKEN, 54 entries
AP001660, AP001666, AP001667, AP001669, AP001670, AP001671, AP001672,AP001674, AP001675, AP001676, AP001677, AP001678, AP001679, AP001680,AP001681, AP001683, AP001684, AP001685, AP001686, AP001687, AP001688,AP001689, AP001690, AP001691, AP001692, AP001693, AP001694, AP001695,AP001705, AP001706, AP001708, AP001709, AP001710, AP001711, AP001712,AP001713, AP001714, AP001715, AP001716, AP001717, AP001718, AP001719,AP001720, AP001721, AP001728, AP001729, AP001730, AP001731, AP001742,AP001744, AP001750, AP001759, AP001760, AP001761,
Submitted by Keio University, 21 entries
AP001696, AP001697, AP001698, AP001699, AP001700, AP001724, AP001725,AP001726, AP001727, AP001732, AP001741, AP001743, AP001745, AP001746,AP001747, AP001748, AP001749, AP001751, AP001752, AP001753, AP001754,