Sequences of huge scale EST and full-length cDNA of Mus musculus have been registered to DDBJ by Dr. Y. Hayashizaki (Project Director)'s group at the RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) Genomic Sciences Center. We assigned accession numbers to full-length cDNA 40,803 entries in the HTC division of the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank International Nucleotide Sequence Database, and to EST 766,243 entries.
The total numbers of mouse full-length cDNA was 59,971 entries by this submission.
All HTC entries have functional annotation assigned on the FANTOM2 (Functional ANnoTation Of Mouse) meeting held by Dr. Y. Hayashizaki group. We have released 766,243 ESTs records and, newly 40,803 entries of and 19,168 entries with updated annotation of HTC division records.
The accession numbers of the distributed entries are as below;
Updated entries: AK002213-AK018700, AK018701-AK021412, AK027261-AK027262
Newly entries: AK027903-AK054560, AK075567-AK090394, AK117103-AK117104
(Some of them are unpublished)
Newly entriesŽ¡Ž§BY000001-BY766243
Quality score (Phrap score) for all HTC entries including the updated records have been co-distributed.
The sequences were also published in Nature 420, 563-573, 2002 (5/12/2002).