The FANTOM Consortium, which is led by the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research of Japan, has comprehensively studied the mouse genome and transcriptome. On September 2, they published two papers in Science about the integrative analysis of human and mouse transcripts (Science. 2005 Sep;309:1559-63.;Science. 2005 Sep;309:1564-66.).
In these papers, they reported the finding of many protein-coding and non-protein coding transcripts in both mouse and human. They suggested that these non-protein coding RNAs (ncRNAs) regulate the expression of normal transcripts encoding proteins and provide important information associated with the gene expression control mechanism in mammals.
Professor T. Gojobori (Head of Center for Information Biology and DNA Data Bank of Japan; CIB-DDBJ), Associate professor K. Ikeo and their colleagues participated in the FANTOM Consortium from CIB-DDBJ. They are co-authors of the papers mentioned above. In addition, the activities of the Genome Network Project are also related to this project.
Approximately 2,000,000 million EST (expressed sequence tag), about 110,000 HTC (high throughput cDNA sequence), and 8,800,000 MGA (Mass sequence for genome annotation) entries, which were referred to these papers have been already registered and released from DDBJ. All of the data can be retrieved, displayed and acquired by using the DDBJ retrieval tool,getentry.
- Press release on RIKEN site (Japanese Only)
- FANTOM Database
- The list of accession number assigned to sequences used in the research; cite fro web site of Genome Exploration Research Group, Genome Sciences Center, RIKEN