- Affected periods:
[entries released by DDBJ] April 24, 2006 - May 24, 2006
[entries released by GenBank] January 4, 2005 * - May 24, 2006* Actual date is calculated by the first released date of noticed CH entries (e.g.CM00126)
- Cause: bug at the web version searching program
- Condition: Users could not get complete results during the affected period and in the following conditions.
- - when you specify:
- ID as [Accession],
- DATABASE as [Flat File (DDBJ)],
- ID as [Accession],
- Result as [WWW] and
- do the search with the relevant undisplayable entries in the query box.
- - when you specify:
- Undisplayable entries:(-->see the accession numbers list)
[entries released by DDBJ] 1121 entries
[entries released by GenBank] 1092 entries
We will try to set the preventive measures to cope with these troubles immediately.