Following conferences were added to "Conference on Information Biology"
- 24th Fungal Genetics Conference (3/20-25)
- Parameter Estimation in Systems Biology (3/28-29)
- Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology (3/29-30)
- ABRF 2007 (3/31-4/3)
- EMBO World Practical Course on Comparative Genomics (4/8-14)
- Microbial Genomes 2007 (4/11-14)
- NBIC/ISNB 2007 (4/16-19)
- RNAi-2007-Boston Meeting (5/2-4)
- 2007 International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (5/7-10)
- The Biology of Genomes (5/8-12)
- The American Society for Microbiology 107th General Meeting (5/21-25)
- Bioinformatics for Africa Nairobi 2007 (5/27-6/2)
- BioInformatics 2007 (6/4-7)
- A Semantic Web for Bioinformatics:Goals, Tools, Systems, Applications (6/12-15)
- Beyond Genome (6/20-22)
- 9th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (6/23-27)
- The 5th International Bioinformatics Workshop (6/24-26)
- 2nd ASM Conference on Pathogenomics (6/24-27)
- 4th Conference on Functional Genomics of Gram-Positive Microorganisms (6/24-28)
- BIOCOMP'07- The 2007 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (6/25-28)
- Intracellular RNA Localization &Localized Translation (7/1-6)
- Algebraic Biology 2007 (7/2-4)
- Genomics of Common Diseases (7/7-10)
- The 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (7/16-19)
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (7/21-27)
- Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2007 (8/29-31)
- 7th Workshop Algorithms in Bioinformatics (9/8-9)
- Enzyme Engineering XIX (9/23-28)
- 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (10/1-6)
- 3rd European Conference on Prokaryotic Genomics (10/7-10)
- MicroRNAs Europe 2007 Meeting (11/1-2)
- Genome Informatics Workshop 2007 (12/3-5)