Outline of revision
To follow the Japanese law of protecting personal information, DDBJ will delete both phone and fax numbers, and E-mail address from the flat files of the entries submitted to DDBJ. It would be also helpful to protect the DDBJ releases against SPAM mail senders. DDBJ plans to retorofit the entries submitted to DDBJ, not to GenBank or EMBL, by periodical release 72, the end of December 2007.

Up to now, database users can contact to sequence submitters by using their E-mail addresses on the DDBJ flat files. However, after this revision, it will become difficult to contact submitters. When you wish to contact to the submitter(s) of an entry of your interest, please contact us with the inquiry form with reasons briefly; i.e. asking to transfer cloned sequences, etc, then we will forward your messeage to the submitter(s).

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.
Detailed particulars of revision
Now, the submitter information is described in JOURNAL line at REFERENCE 1 as,

    JOURNAL   Submitted (30-NOV-2000) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.            Hanako Mishima, National Institute of Genetics, DNA Data            Bank of Japan; Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan            (E-mail:mishima@supernig.nig.ac.jp, Tel:81-55-981-6853,             Fax:81-55-981-6849)</code>

After the deletion or the information in question, DDBJ flat file will be
either one of the following two types;

Type 1: Phone and fax numbers and E-mail address are deleted.

    JOURNAL   Submitted (30-NOV-2000) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.            Contact:Hanako Mishima            National Institute of Genetics, DNA Data Bank of Japan; Yata 1111,            Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan</code>

Type 2: When the submitters wish to keep their contact information disclosed,
it will be described as,

  JOURNAL   Submitted (30-NOV-2000) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.            Contact:Hanako Mishima            National Institute of Genetics, DNA Data Bank of Japan; Yata 1111,            Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan            E-mail :mishima@supernig.nig.ac.jp            Phone  :81-55-981-6853            Fax    :81-55-981-6849</code>

In principle, we will delete all of the items, "phone number", "fax number", and "E-mail address" from the entries that have been submitted to DDBJ as shown in "Type 1". However, if you wish to disclose any of the three items, please contact us at   , specifying the item(s) to be disclosed.