The nucleotide sequence database collected and maintained by DDBJ is quarterly released online to the public. We completed DDBJ Release 73 on March 27, 2008/. DDBJ Release 73 consists of 83,167,582 entries, and the number of bases reached 86,099,950,395.<dd>The periodical release and the new data are available by FTP download from the “FTP/Web API” page.
- DDBJ Rel.72
- File name: ddbjcon1.seq.gz, ddbjcon1.insd_xml.gz
- Accession number: reference(3,514 data)
- Current status: Correction of DDBJ rel.73 (release on March 27,2008)
- DAD Rel.42
- File name: ddbjcon1.DAD.gz
- Accession number: reference(30,434 data)
- Current status: Correction of DAD rel.43 (release in the first of Aplil,2008)