ARSA is a high-speed data retrieval system provided by DDBJ via WWW and Web API . As a functional enhancement of ARSA retrieval system, a new function is added.
It is the function "!" (AND NOT condition) as a logical operator which is used to connect keywords when you specify multiple keyword for a search in Quick search and etc.
The following is a retrieval that you can do by this function.
  • Search: Searching for the entry that contained "lung cancer" but not contained "Homo sapiens" in Quick search.
  • How to enter: Enter the keywords with "!" on the search box like the below.
    "lung cancer"!"Homo sapiens"


  • Result: Displayed the entries that contained "lung cancer", but not contained "Homo sapiens".
It enable us to use "!" (AND NOT conditions) when entering multiple search conditions in a single field.
Please refer to the HELP for more details.
DDBJ will do all the more efforts for the development of ARSA. If you have any comments for ARSA, please send it from "Your comment" which is located in the upper blue zone of ARSA.