getentry is the entry retrieval system by accession numbers etc., which is provided by DDBJ via WWW and WebAPI.
At the suppress entries retrieval under the following conditions, the results are displayed in the format different from the specified format. The details are as follows:<dd>[Retrieval conditions]

    <li>database: DDBJ</li>
    <li>output format: FASTA(incl. CDS), DDBJ-XML, INSD-XML</li>
    <li>Result (how to obtain the result): E-mail, FTP</li>

<p>[Phenomenon]<br>In the sequence retrieval of the suppress entries under the above conditions, the corresponding suppress entries are outputted in the DDBJ flat file format, although the different format was specified.<br>When the entries either do not fit the above conditions and/or are other than suppress entries, there are no problems. </p>

<p>[Measure]<br>At present, DDBJ works on this problem. We will inform at this DBJ HP as soon as the problem is fixed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.</p>
