getentry is the entry retrieval system by accession numbers etc., which is provided by DDBJ via WWW and WebAPI.
In the getentry, during the following period, some incorrect Korean Patent entries were included. Details are as follows.
  • Database: "Patnet" in the Protein DATABASE
  • Accession Nos:4,541 entries of DI500718 - DI613550 (see the list)
  • Period: March 31 - April 8, 2009.
  • Cause: In the modification process of the previously released entries, wrong accession numbers were assigned to the corresponding patent numbers. As a result, the relation between the patent number and the accession numbers was not correct.
  • Measure: Any relevant data were already deleted, and will be re-released after the completion of the correction.
    The problem has been fixed. ( May. 1, 2009 )
We apologize confusing you very much.