Due to the effects of recent disaster to the major power plants, eastern Japan including us is now under a rolling blackout.The DDBJ services will be affected accordingly.

Service suspension for electricity conservation

Details are as follows:
Service Suspended schedule
supernig from March 14, 2011(Resuming schedule is not yet determined)
other than above temporarily(according to the rolling blackout schedule by TEPCO*,DDBJ and NIG belongs to "Group2 SubgroupE" of rotation group)Group2 SubgroupE blackout schedule:  Suspension schedule caused by the implementation of rolling blackouts 
* TEPCO: Tokyo Electric Power Company
  • DDBJ Services will be suspended according to the schedule of electric powercut by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).
  • DDBJ belongs to "Group2 SubgroupE" in the rotation of elecrtic outage by TEPCO.
  • Please understand all services might be suspended without any prior notices.
  • We plan to receive data submision as usual as possible, but the availability of the reception services and the schedule of data-exchange among EMBL, GenBank, DDBJ may be affected somehow.
  • However, please be aware of unannounced blackout, during your data submission to DDBJ (by SAKURA, MSS, DRA, DTA etc).

Resumed ARSA

Please understand the databases are decreased for electricity conservation. (2011.05.18)
Available services:
   - DDBJ and DAD search (Search results do not contain 18DBs entries)
   - ARSA reference function in TX Search

Resumed BLAST and ClustalW.

Please understand the number of running processes are decreased for electricity conservation. (2011.04.12)

-Resumed MiGAP  (2011.04.15)

-Resumed DDBJ Read Annotation Pipeline  (2011.04.27)

About the service stop according to the rolling blackout

DDBJ 's service suspension is not carried out because the TEPCO decided to cease the implementation of rolling blackouts. (2011.04.11)
Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.
March 14, 2011