COMMENT part was added new lines of PA, PT and PS in all nucleotide and amino acid sequence data of Japan Paten Office (JPO).
[Additional lines]
PA: Applicant name
PT: Invention title
PS: Sequence number indicated by applicant
DDBJ constructed FF of all JPO entries to reflect new COMMENT and released them in DDBJ release 90 and JPO cumulated amino acid data files.
COMMENT OS human PN JP 2010599999-A/100 PD 29-SEP-2010 PF 20-NOV-2006 JP 2008583186 PR 15-MAR-2003 US 60/525115 PA DNA Data Bank of Japan PI hanako mishima,taro iden PT "Genetic Markers Expressed In Tumors" PS N55 CC genetic maker for genetic diagnosis FH Key Location/Qualifiers FT misc_feature 1..88 FT /note="genetic maker"
[DDBJ FTP site]
Please get JPO data from following site.
JPO Nucleotide sequence data:
JPO Amino acid sequence data: