A new directory "unified-all" was added under "ddbj_database" of DDBJ anonymous FTP site. With this addition, a directory, "non-redundant", was renamed to "unified-new"
About the "ddbj_database" directory and its sub-directories, please refer to the README.TXT in the directory. When you monitor the FTP site, please confirm your monitoring program, if necessary.

unified-all; ftp://ftp.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ddbj_database/ddbjnew/unified-all
This directory contains files of merged sequence entries from all files of ddbj and ddbjnew directories to include only latest version of updated entries (i.e. Succeeded versions of entries have been excluded).
Contents of the directory unified-all  |- fasta   : in FASTA file format  |- blastdb : in BLAST DB format
unified-new; ftp://ftp.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ddbj_database/ddbjnew/unified-new
This directory contains files of merged cumulative daily updates of sequence entries from all files of ddbjnew directory to include only latest version of updated entries (i.e. Succeeded versions of entries have been excluded) in the flat file format.
Contents of the directory unified-new  : in DDBJ flat file format  |- fasta   : in FASTA file format  |- blastdb : in BLAST DB format