DDBJ improved DDBJ's keyword retrieval system ARSA(All-round Retrieval and Annotation). Details are as follows.
- Get the Result
- All entries are downloaded by "Download ALL" button(Up to 1million)
- Selected(Checked) entries are available (view on the screen) by "View Selected " button
- Output format are FlatFile/XML/Fasta.
- URL changed(Please ovewrite your bokmark)
- New URL: http://ddbj.nig.ac.jp/arsa/
- Following search conditions are available
- Regular expression
- Phrase including symbols
- Similar queries with Apache Lucene
- Version upgrade of search engine (Apache Solr 3 → Apache Solr 4)
DDBJ will continue to improve the services. Your reviews and comments will be helpful for DDBJ’s improvement. Please send your comments from “Contact Us” page. (Please select the item “Web Support “)