[1] Overview
DDBJ detected amino acid sequence (AA) data with possibility of nucleotide sequence transferred from Japan Patent Office (JPO).
We checked the description of nucleotide sequence on patent publication to confirm their sequence type. In case of there is not description on patent publication, we confirmed their sequence similarity of nucleotide by using BLASTN and/or other methods.
We released the list of verified entries as JPO_AAwithN.
[2] List contents
DDBJ anonymous FTP:
File name:
Accession number[TAB]Patent publication number[TAB]Sequence number (PS line)[TAB]Validation result
Sequence number (PS line):
Sequence number is described with N. Please refer this number when you check the corresponding data of sequence listings and patent publication.
PS line is set on COMMENT block of JPO Flat File (FF).
[3] Update schedule for list
DDBJ started checking validation for all JPO AA data. We will reflect the check result to JPO_AAwithNA sequentially.