2022-06-01 This problem was fixed.
There has been troubles in the BioSample taxonomy_id auto-correction.
When a BioSample tsv with an organism name registered in the NCBI Taxonomy in the organism attribute and the taxonomy_id attribute empty,
a taxonomy_id is normally auto-filled. However, a taxonomy_id has not been auto-filled duo to troubles.
We would like to ask submitters to submit BioSample tsv with taxonomy_id values.
If you upload the following tsv (taxonomy_ids are empty) in the ATTRIBUTES in D-way, warning messages regarding taxonomy_id auto-correction are displayed.
If you submit this tsv, the submission will fail.
To avoid the error, please enter “3702” in the taxonomy_id attributes.
You can submit the tsv with taxonomy_id values.
For a novel organism without registered taxonomy, please submit as before or contact us.