2024-11-06 11:16 Resumed
The following services will be unavailable due to the D-way (BioProject/BioSample/DRA/GEA) periodical system release.
We apologize the short notice.
6th November, 2024 (Wed) 10:00-11:00 (JST)
[Affected services]
- D-way Submission system
- BioProject
- BioSample
- GEA reviewer access
- DRA/GEA/MSS/MetaboBank SFTP (ftp-private.ddbj.nig.ac.jp) services
Because of the D-way account system downtime, the following services will be unavailable.
- New account creation
- Account information update
- Password change
- MIxS packages
- MIxS updated from v5 to v6.0
- New enviroment packages
- agriculture
- food-animal and animal feed
- food-farm environment
- food-food production facility
- food-human foods
- hydrocarbon resources-cores
- hydrocarbon resources-fluids/swabs
- symbiont-associated
- Standards packages
- Plant: strain added
- MIMAG/MIUVIG: derived_from required
- MIUVIG: metagenome_source required