DDBJ now applied XML not only to entry by entry but also to the whole release in July 2001. XML formatted files of DDBJ release 46 (July 2001) can be retrieved through the following anonymous FTP:
DDBJ Release in XML
Copyright 2001 National Institute of Genetics, Center for
Information Biology and DNA Data Bank of Japan. No reproduction or republication in any form without written permission.

Miyazaki S and Sugawara H, "Development of DDBJ-XML and its application to a database of cDNA" , Genome Informatics 2000, Universal Academy Press, Inc (Tokyo), 380-381, 2000
Miyazaki S and Sugawara H, "Visualization of features in flat file by use of DDBJ-XML", Currents in Computational Molecular Biology 2001 (Montreal), 249-250, 2001