DDBJ Rel. 119.0
- Date: March 25, 2020
- 2,703,019,984 entries, 7,238,087,008,919 bases
- DDBJ Release Note
- Latest Release Information
DAD (DDBJ amino acid database) Rel. 89.0
- Date: March 25, 2020
- 110,528,765 entries, 34,722,270,677 aa (total number of residues)
- DAD Release Note
- *Announcement for changing structure of directories on anonymous FTP site
- INSDC members have assigned accession numbers with six-letter prefix for bulk sequence data. To provide those sequence data, we have changed structure of directories on anonymous FTP site.
For example, WGS data are providedddbj_database/wgs/WGS_ORGANISM_LIST.html /WGS_ORGANISM_LIST.txt /AA/AA/AAAABA.gz /AA/AA/AAAABB.gz /AA/AA/AAAABC.gz /: /AA/AAAA.gz /AA/AAAB.gz /AA/AAAC.gz
- *Apologies for the delay of loading bulk sequence data from GenBank and ENA:
- In the present release, many of bulk sequence data are lacking, because
- Very large scale sequence data came from GenBank and ENA and
- DDBJ has not yet accommodated the new format of accession numbers.
We are working to fix the problem, however, it is unclear when we can load all of the bulk sequence data. We regret any inconvenience it may cause and appreciate your understanding. </dd> </dt>