We cannot answer necessary days to issue accession number(s) because it depends on the contents of your submission.
If you do not receive any email from DDBJ after 5 working days, please contact us from contact form.

Please make sure not to block E-mails from DDBJ.


In case of using DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Submission System, please confirm whether you have received a mail from DDBJ with “DDBJ: Web submission completed” in its subject or not. This mail is automatically sent to contact person, when DDBJ accepts your sequence data via Nucleotide Sequence Submission System.

If you have NOT received the mail,
your submission is not yet finished, so, please complete your submission.
If you have received the mail,
please contact us from contact form with contact person E-mail address and Submission ID of your data.


Login D-way and check the status of your DRA submission.