DDBJ Rel. 121.0
- Date: October 8, 2020
- 2,566,183,653 entries, 10,407,149,801,175 bases
- DDBJ Release Note
- Latest Release Information
DAD (DDBJ amino acid database) Rel. 91.0
- Date: October 8, 2020
- 125,115,268 entries, 39,448,022,637 aa (total number of residues)
- DAD Release Note
[ Announcement]
- Apologies for mixture of TPA entries in bulk sequence data from ENA:
Intrinsically, the periodical release should be made only primary data, so, TPA data should not be included. However, due to some disorders of sorting sequence data, TPA entries in bulk sequence data from ENA were continuously included like as primary ones at DDBJ.
See https://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ddbj/tpa-e.html about TPA data.From the periodical release 120, we have fixed the problem. We also fixed the statistics of the periodical releases since rel. 113, June 2018, and corrected the section, 10. Release history from the current release note. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.