Accession Number Assigned by INSD
INSD (the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases) are composed of DDBJ, ENA and NCBI, and collect experimentally determined nucleotide sequence data and the TPA data. INSD accept the direct submission of the sequence data that is made online by researchers all over the world.
A unique accession number issued by INSD for each record is defined as
the INSD accession number.
The number is internationally recognized to guarantee the submitter the
property of the submitted and published data.
Format of the INSD Accession Number
INSD accession number is composed of alphabet letters and digits.
The alphabet part is called “prefix”. See the prefix
The formats of INSD accession numbers are varied in accordance with
categories of data as follows.
Annotated/Assembled Data
conventinal | 1 alphabet letter and 5 digits: ex. A12345 2 alphabet letters and 6 digits: ex. AB123456 2 alphabet letters and 8 digits: ex. AB12345678 |
bulk WGS, TSA, TLS |
4 alphabet letters (For Large Scale Data) and 8 to 10 digits: ex. ABCD01012345 6 alphabet letters (For Large Scale Data) and 9 to 11 digits: ex. ABCDEF010123456 |
MGA | 5 alphabet letters and 7 or more digits: ex. ABCDE1234567 |
protein_id | 3 alphabet letters (protein_id prefix list) and 5 digits: ex. ABC12345 3 alphabet letters (protein_id prefix list) and 7 digits: ex. ABC1234567 |
Raw Output Data from Sequencers
Trace Archive | 2 alphabet letters (TI only) and 1 or more digits: ex. TI12345678 |
Sequece Read Archive | 3 alphabet letters (SRA prefix list) and 6 or more digits: ex. DRA000001 |
BioProject | 5 alphabet letters (BioProject prefix list) and 1 or more digits: ex. PRJDA123 |
BioSample | 4 alphabet letters (BioSample prefix) and 8 digits: ex. SAMD00000001 |
Some ID numbers confused with the INSD Accession Number
Though often confused, the followings are not the INSD accession numbers;
- Numbers issued by other than INSD
- RefSeq numbers: ex. NC_123456, NM_123456
- Ensembl numbers: ex. ENSG00000139618
- UniProt accession numbers: ex. P12345, Q01234