DDBJ Annotated/Assembled Sequences
Since 2016, INSDC has accepted sequence data including 16S rRNA or some other targeted loci mainly to be clustered into operational taxonomic unit as Targeted Locus Study (TLS) data type.
With regard to comprehensive analysis of marker sequences by using NGS,
TLS data submission is not required in many cases,
because it is reproducible if the original reads are submitted to
DDBJ Read Archive.
So, please consider if you have to submit TLS data to DDBJ or not.
See the list of publicized TLS data.
You can submit TSA data to DDBJ through Mass Submission System (MSS).
- Notes on the TLS data submission
- Prior to TLS data submission, it is required to submit to BioProject Database and BioSample Database.
- It is strongly recommended that the TLS data submission with the original sequence data of primary sequences are classified into DDBJ Read Archive.
- Remove low quality reads and chimeric sequences before submission.
Sample flat file
Aspects of TLS
- Basically, each TLS sequence submitted to DDBJ is assigned an accession number that consists of 4 alphabet characters and 8 digits.
- “TLS:” is shown at the beginning of DEFINITION line.
- “TLS” and “Targeted Locus Study” are indicated in KEYWORDS line.
LOCUS TZZZ01000001 800 bp mRNA linear TLS 15-NOV-2017
DEFINITION TLS: Uncultured bacterium OTU:MS213 gene for 16S ribosomal RNA,
partial sequence.
VERSION TZZZ01000001.1
DBLINK BioProject:PRJDA43211
Sequence Read Archive: DRR800001
BioSample: SAMD98765439
KEYWORDS TLS; Targeted Locus Study; ENV.
SOURCE uncultured bacterium
ORGANISM uncultured bacterium
Bacteria; environmental samples.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 800)
AUTHORS Mishima,H. and Shizuoka,T.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (30-SEP-2017) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.
Contact:Hanako Mishima
National Institute of Genetics, DNA Data Bank of Japan; Yata 1111,
Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan
AUTHORS Mishima,H., Shizuoka,T. and Fuji,I.
TITLE Metagenomic Taxonomy Profile in Sea Water
JOURNAL TLS Biol 15, 161-170 (2017)
COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START##
Assembly Method :: FLASH v. 2015
Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..301
/altitude="-20 m"
/geo_loc_name="Pacific Ocean"
/isolation_source="marine water"
/lat_lon="29.3116 N 148.6778 E"
/mol_type="genomic DNA"
/organism="uncultured bacterium"
rRNA <1..>301
/product="16S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT 75 a 59 c 102 g 65 t
1 cagtcgccgc gggaatacgg agggggctag cgttgttcgg aattactggg cgtaaagcgc
-- The rest of nucleotide sequence is omitted --