DDBJ Annotated/Assembled Sequences
Sequence data included in patent applications
DDBJ Center provides some services to search and to browse sequence data that are included in patent applications.
Please note that DDBJ is not responsible for any issues that may arise from use of sequence data.
See also sitepolicy and Disclaimer.
Nucleotide sequence data
The nucleotide sequence data included in patent applications that are
collected and processed by the Japan Patent Office
(JPO) and the Korean Intellectual Property Office
(KIPO)* are imported into the International Nucleotide
Sequence Database Collaboration (INSD) via DDBJ and
are made available to the public.
Similarly, the nucleotide sequence data collected by the European
Patent Office (EPO) and the United States
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) are
imported into INSD via EMBL-Bank/ENA and GenBank, respectively.
* The procedure to import KIPO sequence data into INSD through DDBJ was
started from February 2008.
You can distinguish the nucleotide sequence data included in patent
applications by prefix of accession
The nucleotide sequence data included in patent applications can be searched or browsed from the following DDBJ services. Please note that these services do not differentiate data from JPO, KIPO, EPO, USPTO as reference datasets.
- anonymous FTP
- iles containing “ddbjpat” in their names under the directory.
- getentry
- elect [DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL] from [DNA Database].
- elect “PAT” in [Division] and “DNA”, “RNA”, “mRNA” and/or “rRNA” in [Molecular Type] as needed, then you can search data targeted to PAT division in DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL.
- elect [DDBJ ALL (DDBJ periodical release + daily updates)], then select [Patent] in [Other divisions].
Amino acid sequence data
The amino acid sequence data included in patent applications that are
collected and processed by JPO and KIPO are made available through
Similarly, the amino acid sequence data collected by EPO and USPTO are
made available by EBI and NCBI, respectively.
The amino acid sequence data included in patent applications can be searched and browsed from the following services at DDBJ:
- anonymous FTP
- Files under the directory, available only from JPO and KIPO.
- getentry
- Select [Patent] from [Protein Database], available only from JPO and KIPO.
- Select “PAT” in [Division] and “PRT” in [Molecular Type], available only from JPO and KIPO.