Sequence Read Archive
Submission Overview
- Submission of research data from human subjects
- For submitting data from human subjects (human data) to the databases of DDBJ center, it is submitter’s responsibility to ensure that the dignity and right of human subject are protected in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, guidelines and policies of submitter’s institution. In principle, make sure to remove any direct personal identifiers of human subjects from your data to be submitted. Before submitting human data, read the “Submission of research data from human subjects”.
Submission flow
- Obtain a submission account
- Create a new submission
- Upload sequencing data files
- Submit a BioProject
- Submit BioSample(s)
- Submit Experiment/Run metadata
- Validate data files
Submission status
You can monitor the submission process by the submission status. The DRA team reviews submission whose status is in “submission_validated” or “data_error”.
Status | Explanation |
new | Metadata has not been submitted. |
metadata_submitted | Metadata has been submitted. |
data_validating | Validating data files. |
data_error | Error occurred in data validation process. |
submission_validated | Metadata and data have been validated. |
completed | Accession numbers have been issued. |
confidential | Archive files has been created and submission is kept private |
public | Released to public. |
wait_for_release | Within 30 days to publish |
canceled | Submission was canceled |
Accession numbers
When metadata and sequence data are successfully registered, accession numbers are assigned.
- Experiment (prefix DRX)
- Run (prefix DRR)
- Analysis (prefix DRZ)
- Submission (prefix DRA)
Regarding how to cite accession numbers, see “FAQ: Which accession numbers should be cited in publication?”.
Data release
The DRA submission is released according to the data release policy.
Please see “FAQ: How are linked BioProject/BioSample/sequence data released?” regarding how linked data are released.
After data release process, data files are released at ftp, indexed by DDBJ Search, and mirrored by NCBI SRA and EBI SRA in a few days.
Limited-time access to archived data files
To allow submitter to download and check archived fastq/SRA files, the files are copied to the following directories on the server. To save disk space, the copied files are deleted in one month.
- (submitter’s home)/report/dra/(DRA submission accession)/fastq/
- (submitter’s home)/report/dra/(DRA submission accession)/sra/
Example: /report/dra/DRA000001/fastq/DRR000001.fastq.bz2
Data update
To change hold date, update metadata, add or delete data files, please see DRA Update.